Meet Tim
Tim started his career in public service as a Special Investigator with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Office of Inspector General, where he investigated government and contractor fraud, waste and abuse within state government. Tim then went on to become a Special Agent with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Office of Attorney General, investigating Medicaid fraud and illegal prescription drug diversion. Later he became a Fraud Investigator and Internal Auditor for the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center – Health Plan and various federal contractors.
In 2015, Tim was elected as Dauphin County Controller, where he quickly earned a reputation as a fiscal watchdog and trusted leader saving and recovering over $1 million of taxpayer dollars during his first term in office. He has also worked to create Dauphin County’s first Audit Division, and prepared the first Dauphin County Retirement Fund Report.
To protect taxpayers Tim also changed how Dauphin County reported its finances to a comprehensive, detailed and transparent financial report. His efforts earned his office Dauphin County’s first ever award for financial reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association.
With over 25 years of combined experience in law enforcement and auditing, in both public service and private industries, Tim is uniquely qualified to serve Pennsylvania citizens on day one.
Tim has a proven track record of fighting waste, fraud and abuse. He’ll work tirelessly to cut wasteful government spending to protect taxpayers and help create a stronger economy that allows businesses to create good paying jobs here in Pennsylvania.
Tim’s not a career politician and he’s tired of politics-as-usual in Harrisburg. Tim will work to end political loopholes like the “honor system” that allows state agencies to keep high-dollar, taxpayer funded contracts hidden from the public, so we know where our tax dollars are being spent.
Growing up in Harrisburg, Tim has always been committed to giving back to the community he loves. Tim currently serves on and is the former Chair of the Harrisburg Area Community College Foundation Board of Directors, State YMCA of Pennsylvania Board of Directors, and the Chris “Handles” Franklin Foundation Board of Directors. Tim is also a member of the Greater Harrisburg Area NAACP and the Pennsylvania State Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #78.