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The Hispanic community in Pennsylvania is GROWING and becoming more Republican.

With YOUR help we can target the thousands of Hispanic voters in Chester County that will help us win big in November and beyond.


All around the country we are seeing how the Biden agenda is hurting hard working Hispanic families. From raising gas prices and more for groceries – to limiting parental rights and government overreach. We must stop them by winning control of the Senate in November. But we need your help!


En todo el país estamos viendo cómo la agenda de Biden está perjudicando a las familias hispanas trabajadoras. Desde aumentar los precios de la gasolina y más para comestibles, hasta limitar los derechos de los padres y la extralimitación del gobierno. Debemos detenerlos ganando el control de la mayoría del Senado en noviembre. ¡Pero necesitamos tu ayuda!


If you are interested in learning more or signing up to volunteer please go to:

Or contact Josie Hill, Pennsylvania VAMOS Director at:

To Vote/Votar

¿Por qué debe votar para el partido de los Republicanos?
Porque creemos en un gobierno limitado y la libertad de los negocios para dar la gente las mejores oportunidades. Creemos en una sistema defensa Nacional fuerte para proteger la nación. Finalmente, creemos en la protección de los derechos de la vida, la libertad y la búsqueda de la felicidad. ¡Vota por nosotros si cree también en estos ideales! 
¡Ve a votar! Haga clic aquí para la información sobre registrarse para votar!
¿Usted no está cerca de la casa durante la elección, pero quiere votar? No es un problema! Haga clic aquí para la información y el documento sobre voto por ausencia.

Log Cabin Republicans is the nation’s original and largest organization representing LGBT conservatives and straight allies who support fairness, freedom, and equality for all Americans. Log Cabin Republicans has state and local chapters nationwide, full-time staff in Washington, DC, a federal political action committee, and state political action committees.


The Republican Jewish Coalition was founded in 1985 and is the unique bridge between the Jewish community and Republican decision-makers.

The Republican Jewish Coalition, based in Washington, D.C., has a growing grassroots presence around the country, with regional offices in New York, Pennsylvania, Florida, and California and a Midwest office based in Chicago. The RJC hosts hundreds of local events in our chapters around the country, provides activism and advocacy opportunities for our members and engages with the larger Jewish community through traditional media, social media, and digital outreach. The RJC has a Young Leadership program and a National Women’s Committee that provide additional opportunities for networking and activism. 

The Republican Jewish Coalition has a highly successful legislative affairs program, ensuring our issues are heard on Capitol Hill. We lobby and advise leaders from state capitals to the U.S. Capitol.

In addition, the Republican Jewish Coalition Political Action Committee allows us to engage in political activities across the country aggressively. It gives us the ability to strongly support, both politically and financially, the candidates who reflect our priorities and principles.


The Mission of Asian.GOP is raising awareness in Asian Communities about the importance of participating in the political process, which has a great impact on everyone's life, for future generations, and for the fate of this great nation. Moreover, we:

Introduce, explain, and promulgate the Republican values and principles similar to those of Asians (merit, hard work, self-responsibility, family values, etc).

Examine the stereotypes within political parties that prevail in our communities; rationalize what policies or platforms of which party reflects our values; examine in what aspects who better represents our interests and the long-term development of our country; and clear the myths formed through years of misinformed propaganda; and think out-of-the-box.

Form the organization in our communities nationwide to efficiently and effectively


Modeled after the highly successful Republican Jewish Coalition, the Republican Hindu Coalition (“RHC”) was founded in 2015 to be the unique bridge between the Hindu-American community and Republican policymakers and leaders. Hindu Americans in the United States come from many countries, principally India but also include Hindus from Nepal, Sri Lankan, Caribbean, Indonesia, Bangladesh, New Zealand, Australia, Africa, and various parts of Europe. Additionally, Hindus include all faiths, like Sikhs, Jains, and Buddhists born in India.

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